Monday, December 26, 2011

Brain Based Learning Pro and Con

Gina D. Gallaher
Fundamentals of Curriculum Development
Fall 2011
Brain Based Learning

1. Engages the Whole Body and Mind of the Child
· The student is an active learner as opposed to a passive [sitting] learner.
· A student’s progress is based on demonstrations and portfolios of writings.
· It embraces the concept that attention follows emotion.
· Promotes creativity- this encourages individual expression.
· Music, lighting and temperature control create calming atmospheres.
2. Customizes Lesson Plans
· Every brain is different, every child learns in their own way.
· Boys benefit from being allowed to discuss responses before committing to an answer.
· Girls perform better in math with story problems; one of their strengths is language skills.
· Choice: offer multiple assessments [collage, essay, game]
3. Teaches through Practical Experiences
· Immerse students in a subject.
· Leaning through spatial memory- ability to absorb and retain a lesson
· It is OK to make mistakes
· Hands-on activities promote team work and allow students to be in charge of the learning process; teacher is facilitator.
· MORE ENGAGED – the more they learn!

Brain Based Learning
1. Lack of adequate preparation/ Professional Development
· Teacher / Administrator / Student / Parent
· Use of multiple methods/media not always available
· Students may not be receptive to extra effort to do exercises leading to deep thinking.
2. Cost
· Teaching requires resources, media and professional development.
· Smaller class size requires increased staff.
3. Lack of Support from Experts
· Scientists are not able to find a correlation between the brain and brain-based learning.
· Supports are from the education or philosophy field not neuroscience field.
· Books on brain-based learning contain ideas without studies or facts to support the learning theory.
· Too New! Began in 1990’s and the results of those who were taught using this theory are not in yet.

A few final words… As you read the advantage list, I am sure many will give the most often heard criticism…”Who has time for all this!” Don’t be a ‘Negative Nancy’…Start out small. Pick just one or two and give it a try…you might be surprised at the results. I was!

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