Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Technology and Curriculum: The Pros

The use of technology in the school environment can be very beneficial to the students, teacher and the parents. When technology is properly used and taught in the school setting, it assist students to gain skills so they can survive in a highly technological knowledge-based economy. In order for the teaching of technology to be effective it needs to be integrated in all curriculum. Some key components of teaching effective technology are participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts. It is important to us technology in routine and transparent fashion and allowing it to support curricular goals.

There are several reasons why technology in the classroom can improve students’ achievements. For example computers and other forms of technology can provide drill and practice for students. It is said that computers can provide more motivation in students then that of teachers during drilling and practice skill building, there for this experience can last longer. This type of skill building and use of technology is useful as for children as young as preschool level. (Leu, 2000) Students in at-risk groups, such as in special education and/or from inner city and rural schools, feel more successful in school and more motivated to learn when using curriculum-assisted instruction. The use of computers helps create a visual of abstract ideas for students who can become discouraged from difficult task and concepts. For example students can use their math skills and create visuals of some concepts and helps continue the stimulation of thought on these concepts. (Leu, 2000) The Internet is a huge tool in children’s education because it provides children with expansive amount of information on a specific topic they may think or want to learn about. In 1998, Wenglisky did a study on the use of high rates of technology in students between the grades of fourth and eighth and found that in the groups that had higher use of technology the have a higher positive social climate established and higher scores were attained. The quality of public education could be improved by utilizing the Web to individualize instruction, creating learning opportunities for teachers to engage in collegial support such as e-mail. This helps facilitate better home-school communication through e-mail and school and teachers’ website information. This helps create an at home support for students’ and all of their subject matter. (Symonds, 2000)

A common misconception of the use of computers is that they are for instructional, problem solving games and other types of stimulation of that fashion but computers have much greater use in the classroom. Some people feel that computers and other technology based programs are replacing the teacher as being the educator when in reality computers are used to enrich lessons that are originally taught by actual teachers. Computers provide support and variety to everyday classroom activities. It is important for students today to gain the skills of technology to be prepared for the United States’ workforce. (Leu, 2000)

There have been several studies exploring the United States use of technology in the classroom. In Raisinen’s article he reviewed six different countries and their technology curricula. The purpose of this study was to observe goals such as skills of analysis and problem solving, skills in information processing and computing. The curricula that he followed had children learn and understand the role of technology in their society and in the global perspective and its importance. Lastly, an important part of the curricula is to teach judgment in moral matters and ethics in the use of technology. (2003) What Rasinen had found in reviewing the United States curricula is that they have been teaching technology in schools for years but there are many obstacle that do get in the way from providing the proper knowledge. Many districts do not start teaching much about technology in the elementary level and higher levels in some districts have higher levels suffering due to lack of funding. (2003) The government has understood that there is a lack of resources in specific districts and they have developed programs to help integrate technology in these districts. State Ed Tech Grant funds is a program in which in need districts can begin to catch up with richer districts. The main purpose of this grant is to “integrate” technology through out these districts “curriculum”. (Bailey & Lovett, 2011) With this grant teachers and staff have to agree to professional development in order to improve their skills in technology education. The purpose of this grant is so that there can be studies on how achievement can be improved through the use of technology. This grant also, wants to create students to be technologically literate by the end of their eighth grade year, as well as, effective teacher training and to help create a research based technology curriculum. (Bailey & Lovett, 2011)

In conclusion, there are many great aspects of integrating technology into public school curricula. Some of the downfalls such as funding have government help to improve these districts chances of maintaining a balance with other districts. Technology education is important for teachers and students in order to keep up in a global economy and should continually be integrated in the school system.

Bailey, J. & Lovett, C. State Tech Ed Grants (2011, October 2)

Leu, D.J., Jr. (2000). Literacy and technology: Deictic consequences for literacy education in an information age. Handbook of Reading Research: Vol. 3. (743-770). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Rasinen, A. (2003) An Analysis of the Technology Education Curriculum in Six Countries.

Journal of Technology Education. Vol 15,1,31-47.

Symonds, W. (September 23, 2000). Wired Schools, Businessweek.

Wenglisky, H. (1998). Does it compute? The relationship between

Educational technology and student achievement in mathematic.

Educational Testing Service Policy Information Center.

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