Sunday, March 21, 2010

Technology and Curriculum

Jennifer Arcolesse

Throughout the past thirty years there have been many changes in education. One of the largest changes is the implementation of technology. Growing up in the eighties, I saw the integration of computers in schools. Hand-held calculators, computers, and many other forms of technology have grown to be a daily part of our lives. Leaders in the field of technology have spent many years developing goals or standards of which to teach technology.
With the advancements in technology growing so quickly, we must, as educators, include plans to use technology in our curriculum. One goal of our educational system is to produce productive members of society. Since technology has taken over almost every aspect of our lives, we would be remiss if we did not use it and teach it in our schools. There are many ways it can be used , in and out of school, and teachers must decide what will be the most effective way to use it in their class and subject. The State of New Jersey recently published the 2009 Core Curriculum Content Standards, in which they have dedicated an entire standard to technology alone. The mission statement of this standard states: "Technology enables students to solve real world problems, enhance life, and extend human capacity as they meet the challenges of a dynamic global society."
Making the world and its varied knowledge accessible through technology should be a focus of curriculum. Those writing the curriculum should develop ways that teachers can easily integrate the technology into their teaching units. Teaching appropriate use of online content is also a concern. Students must be taught what an acceptable use of online materials is and is not. Teachers need to do prior research as to what is out on the web, and work with a technology instructor, or librarian, to develop a list of acceptable resources.
A few points to consider when trying to decide what to include in a curriculum, would be:
1) What kind of technology would work best for you and your students.
2) How much time can be saved or how much time will be added, by using this technology.
3) What will be the finished outcome or product that the students will have created, and learned from, when using the technology you choose.
Gone are the days when every students' work is created the same and cookie cutter projects or solutions are needed. We must research what is available and what would be most appropriate for the subject and age level we teach.
Using the Internet, for research, blogs, wikis, and podcasts, has become a daily occurrence in most schools. We must continue to strive to find innovative ways to use technology in our daily lessons in order to compete on a global level. Technology needs to be used not only in computer classes and technology classes, but in all aspects of the school curriculum. Students need to learn how to use it and why it needs to be used. It will open up the world of science and mathematics, so that students can see how they can be used to solve critical problems in our society.
Of course I would be remiss if I did not point out a few drawbacks of technology education. One of the biggest would be cost. Keeping up with current technology is an expensive task and trying to find funds in this economy is more that tough. Another drawback is in how educators use the technology available to them. If they only use it to present exciting lessons, this does not help the students to learn the uses of technology and does not reach the full potential of the technology. Educators must provide time for the students to engage in technology themselves to solve problems or create products for class. This leads to another drawback, teacher knowledge. Teachers must find time and districts must provide training in the technology. Without training the teachers will continue to misuse the technology or not use it all.
As we go forth in this global economy, we must better prepare our students for a technologically advanced future. Government leaders need to fund programs for technology and its uses in the classroom. Since children are our future leaders, we must find ways to incorporate technology into our everyday classrooms, as it is already part of our everyday lives.

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