Saturday, September 26, 2009

A "Quick and Dirty" Method of Curriculum Mapping:

1. Know the standards that you need to teach at your grade level
2. Think of your 5 favorite units & lessons:
Do they match the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for your grade level?
If not, can the lesons be modified to do so?
If the answer to eithr question is "yes," add thse lessons to your map first!
3. Fill in lessons for 80% of the days between September and April (expect the unexpected)
4. Put them in a sensible sequence
5. Put those that don’t make the top list in May or June
6. Put the rest on an “if-there’s-time” list

1 comment:

  1. Dr. D,
    How about 'Quick & Painless'? I like this format myself....K
